This year, over 100 of our experienced MI DI Volunteers were joined by a large handful of enthusiastic first-year appraisers for our first event VIRTUAL APPRAISING!
From assigning scores, to "tech support", to our ALWAYS-dedicated Challenge Masters, to our NEW role of Instant Challenge Feedback Officials, our volunteers continued to prove that while Michigan DI is comprised of the most creative kids in the world, we are also comprised of the most dedicated and enthusiastic adult volunteers.

As we look forward to the future of Michigan Destination Imagination, we are calling on our DI participants who are graduating this year, and all of our alumni, DI member parents, and community supporters to join us in creating a strong MI DI program for thousands of creative young Michiganders.

2021-22 Season Volunteer Dates will be posted to the www.MIcreativity.org website over the summer. If you'd like to assist in a volunteer role at the State or Regional Level, please email Director@MIcreativity.org to learn more about available opportunities!

From all of us here at the Michigan Creativity Association, THANK YOU, VOLUNTEERS!!!!