The culminating event of our Virtual State Tournament is our AWARDS CEREMONY!
This year's Awards Ceremony will live-premiere on Saturday, March 27th @ 7pm via a YouTube Premiere video available on the MI DI State Tournament website:
The Awards Ceremony will include:
- Recognition of Top Three Teams per challenge/level
- Celebration of Rising Stars & Creative Learners Teams
- Announcement of Top Instant Challenge Scores for each challenge/level
- Introduction of MICA Scholarship Winners (three graduating HS seniors)
- Shout-outs from the Regional Directors
- Welcome from DI HQ's International Representative: Renee Rainville
The Awards Ceremony video link will be posted online AFTER the live premiere as well - so if you are unable to tune-in right at 7pm on March 27th, you will be able to watch whenever you'd like!
Scores & Awards
All Final Tournament Scores and Awards Descriptions will be posted to the State Tournament page on March 27th, immediately following the Awards Ceremony.